

There are several long-term challenges facing our Department, which I outline below.

A fixed element in the functioning of the university and the faculties is the cyclical evaluation of scientific disciplines and the quality of education. The aim of the Faculty of Biology at UW must be to obtain at least an A category in the discipline of biological sciences and a distinction grade for the faculties we run, awarded by the Polish Accreditation Committee. We are preparing systematically for both evaluations, and the task of the Dean’s team in the coming term will be to continue and support these preparations.

Ways to achieve a higher category in the evaluation of a discipline will include efficient assistance in obtaining research funding, including from EU and non-budgetary funds, support in the process of publishing research results, assistance in obtaining patents, and support for scientific activity that has an impact on society and the economy.

Increasing international student exchanges, making an English-language course available, setting up a stakeholder council to find out what the employer community needs in terms of the skills obtained during the course of study, making a clear distinction between courses and monitoring the quality of education are measures that have been taken and will continue to be taken in order to achieve an outstanding faculty rating.

Reduction in funding resulting from the IDUB programme coming to an end

The IDUB programme, which provides valuable funding for Faculty members, is ending in 2025. We need to find alternative funding sources to bridge the gap until the next programme cycle.

The role of the Dean’s team will be to actively seek funding from the Rector’s targeted grants, ministerial and local government grants. Maximise external funding, including from the National Recovery Plan, European Funds for the Modern Economy (FENG 2021-2027) and European Funds for Modern Infrastructure, Climate and Environment (FENiKS). In order to provide funding for young researchers, the Young Statutory Grant (DSM) competition will be reinstated – in a new format.

Maintenance of the ‘Kumak’ Biodiversity Centre in Urwitałt

A very important issue for our Department’s budget is the support and maintenance of the Mazurian Biodiversity and Education Centre KUMAK in Urwitałt. This involves the repayment of a debt to the UW headquarters related to the construction. This undoubtedly requires negotiations with the Rector of the UW. Other UW units have similar problems with debts related to investments or their maintenance, so we see an opportunity to find allies in these negotiations. A financial separation of the research and teaching part and the exhibition part (Exhibition) is needed. The maintenance of the exhibition part can be co-financed by the Rector and the Ministries (Education, Environment and Climate, Sport and Tourism) and the region.

Unfavourable demographic trends in the country

The smooth functioning of the Faculty is only possible if there are staff at every stage of academic development. Unfortunately, low salaries in the higher education sector with realistically high demands limit the role of the university as an attractive workplace. At the same time, the country is experiencing a demographic decline. Data from the Central Statistical Office clearly indicate an ageing population and a declining birth rate. This situation will result in a reduced number of students and consequently a demand for teaching hours. The Faculty’s staffing system has been partly adapted to the new challenges. The role of the dean’s team will be to have a transparent personnel policy and flexibility in the choice of employment path. Support for new research teams, periodic teaching concessions for those pursuing large grants or flexible choice of research pathway are some measures that can strengthen the Faculty.


We present examples of solutions that we as a Team would like to implement or continue.

Working environment

  • Friendly promotion path. Promote career advancement for all faculty. This includes encouraging and supporting women who have earned their doctorates to pursue assistant professor positions, as well as fostering a culture of promotion for teaching and research staff who aspire to become full professors.  Develop good practice and principles for the promotion of technical and administrative staff.
  • In conjunction with the faculty community, to develop a clear system and criteria for awards and allowances for scientific, organisational and patent achievements. To ensure the transparency of this system through the supervision of appropriate committees appointed by the Dean and approved by the Faculty Council.
  • Review and adjust salaries and responsibilities for technical and scientific-technical positions  to ensure they are competitive and reflect the demands of the job.  Enabling people working in this group to participate in training.
  • Develop a central platform to streamline communication and workload management across secretariats.
  • Technical/IT support for the organisation of defences, lectures, conferences, meetings.
  • Uniform rules for payment of overtime, including overtime earned in non-core courses (biology, biotechnology, environmental protection). Possibility for doctoral students who are after mid-term evaluation to teach for a fee.
  • Rewarding the chairs of regular faculty committees.


  • Improve communication within the Faculty – e.g. by creating a virtual Faculty newsletter to ensure a regular flow of information about defences, degrees and titles awarded, staff achievements, lectures, seminars and conferences, major decisions of the Boards, and new equipment available in the Faculty.
  • Transparentny system wynagrodzeń za wypracowane nadpensum. Jednolite zasady wypłacania godzin (jeśli niezaliczane do pensum) wypracowanych na kierunkach innych niż podstawowe (biologia, biotechnologia, ochrona środowiska). Możliwość odpłatnego prowadzenia zajęć przez doktorantów i doktorantki będących po ocenie śródokresowej. 
  • Create a College of Young Scientists to advise the College of Principals and Deans. This will provide valuable insights and perspectives from early-career researchers. Extension of the College of Deans to include the Chair/Chair of the Discipline Council, the College of Young Scientists Representative and the Director/Administrative Director – working closely together and improving communication.
  • Creation of an inventory and database of the equipment, including 'post-grant’ equipments, the maintenance of which will be subsidised by the Faculty in return for making them available for use by all those working in the Faculty on predefined terms.
  • Improving the technical and aesthetic condition of the building and controlling the working conditions of those working in science and administration.

Science and development

  • Support for researchers in obtaining funding (commitment cannot be decreed), a personalised policy to support the researcher to find and apply for grant competitions that best fit her/his profile and area of scientific interest.
  • ‘Faculty managers’ lab initiative’ – employing people with faculty training to assist research and research and teaching staff in organising scientific work, liaising and coordinating with secretariats and administration on matters related to tenders, planning the purchase of apparatus in grants, purchasing reagents and equipment, repairs and supplies.
  • Initiation of actions to be included in the Polish Research Infrastructure Map – increasing the potential to win apparatus grants.
  • Establish a team of internal and external mentors to support the choice and continuation of a research career.
  • Organisation of department-wide lectures to present the achievements of those working in the Faculty and to create a space for scientific debate.
  • Organisational and technical support of scientific events and conferences in the Faculty.
  • Implement  a comprehensive communication strategy to celebrate the achievements of our  faculty on social media and the Faculty website. This will include highlighting employee awards and recognition. 
  • Cooperation of the Faculty with other units of the Ochota Campus in order to strengthen scientific potential and increase access to research apparatus.


  • Primum non nocere – first do no harm. Prudent management of the Faculty’s finances. We would like to thank the previous dean’s team for keeping the finances of our Faculty stable. Future financial activities should be conducted with care to maintain a balanced budget.
  • Transparency of financial decisions. Consultation of actions taken with the Faculty community through the Dean-Director’s College and the Finance Committee.
  • Maintaining a review of the state of all infrastructure, in particular the WB building in terms of maintenance costs and necessary renovations. Negotiate with JM Rector regarding building maintenance costs and funding for renovation work. Maximise use of EU funds for green transformation.
  • In particular, to help provide resources to strengthen the department’s administration in handling projects, including international projects.
  • Strengthen collaboration with the business community to leverage  funding opportunities offered by programmes like KPO, FENG (European Funds for a Modern Economy 2021-2027), and FENiKS (European Funds for Modern Infrastructure, Climate and Environment). These programmes often encourage industry-academia partnerships, which we can capitalise on to secure research funding. This opportunity should be seized.
  • The University is the flagship university of Warsaw, so we are keen to strengthen our cooperation with the city, including seeking the possibility of additional funding from the city budget.
  • Alumni club. Benefit from the support of our graduates, particularly in cooperation with representatives of the private sector and local government.

Phd students

  • Strengthening cooperation with the Doctoral Schools of our PhD students.
  • Creation of 3 specific subjects for the Doctoral School of Science and Life Sciences: Statistical processing of biological data, Visualisation methods in biological research – from the quantum dot to the drone, Methods for presenting biological research results.
  • Promotion of training for new supervisors to familiarise them with the course of study and the formal requirements of the Doctoral School and the Discipline Council.
  • Introduce a scientific event in the Faculty to integrate the doctoral community, providing a space to learn about the research topics carried out in the units.


  • Introduce modern forms of teaching and learning  that meet the current needs of students as well as the labour market.
  • Create a stakeholder council to learn about employers’ expectations.
  • Regular organisation of Job Fairs and training in universal competences for students in cooperation with the UW Incubator and the UW Careers Office.
  • Establishment of a group to coordinate foreign exchanges in various programmes, working effectively with central UW units.
  • Organisation of study circle presentations in October each academic year.
  • Creating a quiet space for learning.