Michał Koper

Dr Michał Koper, adjunct at the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, interested in regulation of gene expression and RNA metabolism in eukaryotic organisms, particularly transcription and rDNA structure in yeast. Enthusiastic about the use of molecular biology techniques in medicine and environmental protection. Involved in a number of grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and NCN, including co-authorship of two and a leader of one. Experienced in working on international projects, and has held a short-term internship at the University of Zurich. He has won 3 team research awards and 2 teaching awards from the UW Rector. A dedicated academic teacher, four times manager of UW FID projects. Actively participating in the life of the University. Has many years of experience in public procurement. Orcid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4824-1797

Organizational activities at the University

August – October2022

member of the Rector’s Team for the development of the concept of optimization of public procurement processes at the University of Warsaw

August – October2022

March – June 2022

member of the team of experts at the Plenipotentiary of the Rector UW for public procurement, expert assistance in contacts with the Public Procurement Office

March – June 2022

2021 – 2022

member of the Working Committee on Public Procurement at UW Faculty of Biology

2021 – 2022

2021 – 2022

member of the selection committee of the UW NSiP doctoral school

2021 – 2022

2020 – 2028

elector of the University of Warsaw and the UW Faculty of Biology

2020 – 2028

2020 – 2024

member of the Council of the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology

2020 – 2024


organization of a modern molecular biology and biotechnology teaching laboratory and an isotope laboratory at the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology of the UW financed by the FID fund


2016 – 2028

member of the Council of the UW Faculty of Biology

2016 – 2028

2012 – 2015

involved in the implementation of the CeNT UW program – an expert in the purchase of scientific and research equipment and laboratory design

2012 – 2015

From 2012

member of the DSM committee (for a targeted research grant for young scientists) of the UW Faculty of Biology

From 2012

2010 – 2015

participation in the implementation of the CePT program at the UW – expert in the purchase of scientific and research equipment

2010 – 2015

2008 – 2012

member of the Council of the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology

2008 – 2012

contact: m.koper@uw.edu.pl