Magdalena Markowska

I have been associated with the University of Warsaw since 1992, from the beginning with the Facultyt of Biology. This is where I obtained my subsequent titles and degrees. My scientific work is related to animal physiology and ecophysiology and the main threads are the interconnections between the immune, endocrine and nervous systems in a chronobiological context. During my studies and also after I was hired at the Department of Biology, I did several research internships at, among others, the University of Turin (1997, 1999) and Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago (2004 – 2005, FNP grant) which allowed me to get acquainted with conducting research in places other than the University of Warsaw. These were very valuable experiences, and I implemented some of the ideas brought back from my scientific travels in my work at the Facultyt of Biology thanks to the grants I won. I received awards from the University of Warsaw Rector for my scientific achievements. A list of my publications can be found here: In 2019, the Scientific Council of the discipline of biological sciences awarded me a Ph.D., DSc degree. I am currently employed as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Functional Biology and Ecology. A large part of my academic work is devoted to teaching, which I conduct/lead at the Faculty of Biology but also at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics Informatics and Mechanics, Artes Liberales and Polish Studies.

Since my undergraduate days, I have been involved in organizational activities at the Faculty and University and the course of these activities is presented below. Through teaching in various Departments and working in UW bodies, collegiate entities and committees, I have had the opportunity to get to know other units of the University and have become recognized in my home University.

Organizational activities at the University

2020 – 2024

head of the Teaching Unit, Vice- Dean for student affairs

2020 – 2024

2020 – 2024

member of the UW Senate

2020 – 2024

2020 – 2024

member of the Faculty of Biology awards committee

2020 – 2024

2020 – 2024

member of the Faculty of Biokogy competition committee

2020 – 2024

2020 – 2024

member of the Teaching Council of Chemistry, the Teaching Council of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, the Teaching Council of MISMaP, the Teaching Council of Medicine

2020 – 2024

2020 – 2024

member of the Rector’s committee for the Rector’s teaching award

2020 – 2024

2019 – 2024

member of the University Council for Teaching and Learning

2019 – 2024

2021 – 2022

member of the University Council for Teaching and Learning

2021 – 2022

2019 – present

member and chairwoman of the Teaching Council of biology, biotechnology, environmental protection majors

2019 – present

2016 – 2020

vice chairwoman of the Senate committee on students, doctoral students and the Quality of Teaching and Learning

2016 – 2020

2012 – 2016

member of the Senate committee on students, doctoral students and Quality of Teaching and Learning

2012 – 2016

2011 – 2012

acting Vice-Dean for student affairs

2011 – 2012

2005 – 2019

member of the teaching committee of the Faculty of Biology Council

2005 – 2019

2000 – 2020

secretary and then the Dean’s representative for admissions

2000 – 2020

1993 – present

member of the Council of the Faculty of Biology

1993 – present
