Edyta Brzóska-Wójtowicz

Dr hab. Edyta Brzóska-Wójtowicz, Ph.D., DSc., associate  professor at the Institute of Developmental Biology and Biomedical Sciences, works on the mechanisms of skeletal muscle regeneration and the involvement of stem cells in this process. She is the recipient of awards for scientific activity, including the Final Prize of the Science Awards Program of Polityka, the Start grant of the Foundation for Polish Science and the L’Oreal Foundation „For Women and Science,” 8 team awards of the UW Rector for research achievements and the Team Award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for teaching achievements. She was a manager of 13 projects (currently 1 grant) including those funded by NCN, MNiSW, Polpharma Science Foundation, FNP and a contractor in 9 projects (NCN, NCBiR). She did a short-term internship at the Peter and Marie Curie University in Paris. She worked for eight years at the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education in Warsaw. She currently collaborates or has collaborated with the Warsaw Medical University, the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education, the M. Mossakowski Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, the National Cancer Institute, and the University of Gdansk. She is the author of 46 scientific publications (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7886-0436) and co-author of 2 patents. She eagerly participates in science popularization events such as Biologists’ Night, UniStemDay and Science Festival.

Organizational activities at the Faculty

2021 – present

chairperson of the Second Doctoral Committee of the Scientific Council of the Discipline

chairwoman of the Scientific and Teaching Awards Committee of the Faculty of Biology UW Council

2021 – present

2019 – present

member of the Scientific Council of the Discipline of Biological Sciences

member of the Scientific and Teaching Awards Committee of the UW Faculty of Biology Council

2019 – present


co-author of two patents number PL 242615 B1 and PL 242803 B1


2016 – present

member of the Council of the Faculty of Biology UW

2016 – present

2016 – 2023

member of the Commission II of the Faculty of Biology UW Council for doctoral dissertations

2016 – 2023

2016 – 2019

member of the Finance Committee of the UW Faculty of Biology

2016 – 2019

2013 – 2019

coordinator of the Career Office of the UW Faculty of Biology

2013 – 2019

2012 – present

member of the competition committee of the UW Faculty of Biology

2012 – present

contact: e.brzoska-wojt@uw.edu.pl