Our Diverse Faculty
The Faculty thrives as a community of interconnected teams, each with unique strengths and needs. Recognizing these differences allows us to empower individual growth while harnessing everyone’s expertise. This is fundamental to our Faculty`s success.
Guiding Principles
The Faculty operates under a set of core principles that apply to all faculty. The Dean’s team is available to assist institutes in resolving any challenges that may arise.
Empowered Institutes
Institutes and other units are the foundation of the Faculty. Their deep understanding of their specific research and teaching environments allows them to develop tailored solutions based on current needs, evolving trends, and established traditions. The Dean’s team actively supports all institutes in staff development and research quality improvement.
Open Communication: The Cornerstone of Collaboration
Transparency and collegiality are essential for effective decision-making across the Dean’s team and the entire Faculty. This fosters trust and strengthens collaboration.
Strategic Planning: People and Resources
The Dean’s team, in collaboration with institute heads, oversees the strategic development of the Faculty’s research and teaching staff. Additionally, they manage the allocation and utilization of research space and infrastructure.
Leading the Way
The Dean serves as the Faculty’s representative, fostering collaboration within the academic community and advocating for the Faculty’s interests at the University level, as well as with governmental and non-governmental entities.